Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pride and Humility

I have been thinking VERY hard about a topic that came up the other day. It was mentioned that the United States has a lot of Pride and it is good. However one thing that came to mind is that PRIDE in our current time is actually bad.

Lets look at it this way.... We really have NOTHING to be proud of right now other than a tanked economy and one of the highest unemployment rates we have ever seen. PLUS from a spiritual aspect, Isn't pride one of the seven deadly sins?

I think what the US needs now is a big bite of the preverbial Humble Pie and become a little more humble that capitalism isn't always the best medicine. Look at the past and brace for the future. Pride has gotten us into a society that is SERIOUSLY lacking industry, when industry lacks, Jobs come behind, When Jobs come behind, We look to cut cost and outsource Jobs to 3rd world countries that are now becoming richer than the US.

Listen, I am all about capitalism and making money....Don't get me wrong. I consider myself to be a hard core republican (Or used to anyway as I don't know what the hell I am right now) But I know this. A big reason we fail as a country is we forgot the number one principle. Take care of our own and watch each others backs. Instead we have allowed corporate CEO's and CFO's to outsource half our economy to other countries.

Here is a challenge. BRING IT HOME! Invest in the american people although you feel it is expensive. Whats the worst thing that can happen at this point. You will create jobs and slow inflation as the transportation costs and costs of exchange go down by not importing it back into the country?

Commerce works. No dispute. But what is commerce without a strong industrial backing? GROW the United States and STOP growing India, Thiland, Japan. I agree something will need import. HOWEVER when you invest in the US people..... That will slowly become a thing of the past as we learn how to do it better, quicker, cheaper.

So CEO's and CFO's also keep this in mind! My neighbor is asked on a daily basis to stay local and support small business by our Government. He would love nothing more than to take a walk to the "Oval" (Our town square) with his family and have dinner and buy a trinket or two at the local shop. OH YEA! his job just got outsourced to India and can't do that right now because the housing market is in the toilet and he has a mortgage payment and a reduced unemplyment check coming in that is barely making the bills. I hear it ALL THE TIME in the business I am involved in.

STOP hurting the US and help build it.

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